The impacts of COVID-19 Response Measures on Australia Broadband Traffic on the nbn Network

nbn Co ltd
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This paper analyses changes in broadband network traffic on the nbn™ network during the initial stages of the COVID-19 pandemic response in Australia through March, April and May 2020. Drawing on NBN Co’s unique role as a wholesale-only, open access network operator, it highlights strategies employed to manage demand and insights to help inform future industry responses. Following its identification in December 2019, COVID-19 was declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern in January 2020, and a pandemic in March 2020. Various governments around the world began implementing mandated or recommended social distancing or lockdown measures during this period. As the operator of Australia’s national wholesale broadband access network, NBN Co paid close attention to the developing situation, understanding the role it would need to play to support increased demand from homes and businesses for fast and reliable broadband. The paper provides insight into changes in consumer behaviour and related changes in nbn™ network traffic volume and distribution that resulted from, among other things, the implementation and changes in stringency of social distancing and lockdown measures. To this end, NBN Co utilised the COVID-19: Government Response Stringency Index 1 , which records and scales the number and strictness of government policies including school closures, workplace closures, and travel bans. The paper also outlines some of the actions taken by NBN Co and industry to help manage a surge in broadband network traffic volume and changes to traffic profile over the three-month analysis period. NBN Co hopes these insights can be of benefit to industry in learning from the COVID-19 experience and to prepare for potential future events both in Australia and globally
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