Challenges and viewpoints of load frequency control in deregulated power system

Publication Type:
Power System Frequency Control: Modeling and Advances, 2023, pp. 117-132
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In the last few decades, the power system restructure is undergoing a significant phenomenon due to the participation of different power producers in the energy market. It helps to operate the power delivery in an economical manner. While considering the power system deregulation, the contract value deviates in some situations, resulting in an imbalance between the generation and the energy consumption, which can bring the system into a power outage condition. In particular, load frequency control has been a great challenge over the past few decades to ensure the stable operation of power systems. This study considers two equal-area networks; in area-1, GENCO-1 and 2, and in area-2, GENCO-3 and 4 are considered, respectively. In addition, a FOPID controller and unified power flow controller have been incorporated. Three different test networks have been formed according to the contract value, such as unilateral, bilateral, and contract violations. The simulation results show that ancillary devices and controller participation significantly enhance the system response by reducing the frequency and tie-line power fluctuation.
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