Composition of Alkali–Silica Reaction Products in Laboratory and Field Concrete

Springer Nature
Publication Type:
Nanotechnology in Construction for Circular Economy, 2023, 356 LNCE, pp. 27-36
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This study investigated the composition of alkali–silica reaction (ASR) products formed in mortar and concrete that underwent accelerated ASR testing using two test methods: the accelerated mortar bar test (AMBT) and the simulated pore solution immersion test (SPSM). The composition of the ASR products formed in the accelerated tests was compared with those in a 25-year old bridge in New South Wales demolished due to ASR. Results showed that the ASR products inside an aggregate contained calcium (≈20%), silicon (≈60%), and alkalis (≈20%) regardless of the ASR test method used. The ASR products in the AMBT sample only contained sodium, whereas the ASR products in the SPSM test and the demolished bridge both contained significant amounts of sodium and potassium, which indicated that the type of alkali in the ASR product is largely affected by the dominant alkali in the pore solution. However, considering that the total alkali content (Na + K) in the ASR products was similar regardless of the ASR test method used, this suggests that the total alkali content has more influence on the rate of expansion than the type of alkali. The composition of the ASR products also notably varied depending on the location in the concrete. ASR products closer to the cement paste had a higher calcium and lower alkali content than those inside an aggregate, which suggests that the calcium as well as the alkali content of the ASR products plays a significant role in the degree of ASR expansion.
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