Technology Factors Influencing Saudi Higher Education Institutions’ Adoption of Blockchain Technology: A Qualitative Study

Springer Nature
Publication Type:
Advanced Information Networking and Applications, 2023, 661 LNNS, pp. 197-207
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978-3-031-29056-5_19.pdf196.17 kB
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Given the lack of empirical research on blockchain adoption in higher education, this study aims to partially fill this gap in the knowledge by focusing on the technology factors that could play a role in the process. Using Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovation Theory, five technology factors were considered: relative advantage, compatibility, observability, complexity, and trialability. The data analysis was based on ten semi-structured interviews with university mid- and senior-level administrators and IT personnel. Relative advantage emerged as the strongest perceived factor. The effect of compatibility and complexity was observed to a lesser extent. The influence of observability and trialability was unclear. The uncovered underlying mechanisms for these effects are discussed and implications for theory, practice, and future research are explored.
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