State-of-the-art modeling of two-stage auto-ignition: Turbulence, evaporation and chemistry effects

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Energy Conversion and Management, 2023, 291
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Internal combustion engines are the dominant power sources in transport, accounting for significant amounts of fuel consumption and pollutant emissions. Low-temperature combustion is a promising technology for engine combustion, whose main challenge is the complex control of two-stage auto-ignition that determines the performance of a low-temperature combustion engine. This paper systematically reviews the state-of-the-art advances in auto-ignition modeling which is an essential tool to understand auto-ignition mechanisms and provides valuable guidance for designing more efficient and cleaner engines. This paper focuses on turbulence, evaporation and chemistry effects without the consideration of inter-droplet interactions. Five models with increasing complexity are discussed and compared, including homogeneous models without and with evaporation (models 1 and 2), droplet simulation in static environments (model 3), and direct numerical simulation without and with evaporation (models 4 and 5). Rapid mixing leads to homogeneous conditions in models 1 and 2, in which two-stage auto-ignition is divided into low-temperature induction, low-temperature auto-ignition, high-temperature induction and high-temperature auto-ignition. Model 1 only considers chemical reactions and auto-ignition is determined for a certain thermal state. Droplet evaporation affects the auto-ignition evolution in model 2 through evaporation-induced changes in the thermal state. Compared with homogeneous models, droplet evaporation in model 3 leads to compositional and temperature stratifications which cause three new phenomena: preferential auto-ignition, reaction front propagation and non-zero scalar dissipation rate. Models 4 and 5 introduce turbulent effects on induction timescale and front propagation. Finally, challenges and future directions in auto-ignition modeling are outlined.
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