Considering the Transformation of Urban and Rural Areas From an Administrative Perspective

IGI Global
Publication Type:
Handbook of Research on Managing the Urban-Rural Divide Through an Inclusive Framework, 2023, pp. 1-21
Issue Date:
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The formation of settlements has changed over the past century and so has its categorization. Previously, it was easy to categorize and differentiate rural areas from urban areas based on the morphology, economic activities, and the population concentration. However, upon deeper analysis, there is no standard method of classifying urban or rural. Research reveals settlements have merged to form larger regions. This chapter explores the transformation settlements from settlements to regions from a theoretical perspective. Furthermore, the study reviews settlement categorization in South Africa (1990-2020). The study found that the integration of rural and urban areas to municipal entities in South Africa has been riddled with challenges. As a result, many municipalities are dysfunctional. The chapter provides insight into the delimitation process and provides lessons for other countries.
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