Nuclear Nightmares / Australia and the Nuclear Renaissance

Background Briefing, 2005
Issue Date:
Full metadata record The program was produced for Background Briefing, ABC Radio Nationalâs flagship investigative journalism program. It is 54 minutes in duration and the product of 6-7 weeks of intensive research, interviewing, editing, sound design, writing and production. Is the world headed for a new nuclear arms race? Sunday 22 May 2005 The program was produced for Background Briefing, ABC Radio Nationalâs flagship investigative journalism program. It is 54 minutes in duration and the product of 6-7 weeks of intensive research, interviewing, editing, sound design, writing and production Nuclear is back. Australia, with its abundant ore and 'good guy' status could become a key member of the uranium enricher's club. But what would the neighbours think? And how would the twin threats of weapons proliferation and waste disposal be addressed?
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