Meeting the need for post-stroke vision care in Australia: a scoping narrative review of current practice.

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Disabil Rehabil, 2023, ahead-of-print, (ahead-of-print), pp. 1-8
Issue Date:
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PURPOSE: Determine current vision care pathways and practices for stroke survivors in Australia and internationally, focusing on identifying reoccurring gaps in these pathways and unmet care needs. METHOD: A scoping narrative review was conducted to identify literature related to post-stroke vision care practices and perspectives of patients and health professionals. RESULTS: A total of 16193 articles were retrieved and 28 deemed eligible for inclusion. Six were Australian, 14 from the UK, four from the USA, and four from within Europe. Post-stroke vision care is largely unstandardized, with substantial inconsistency in the use of vision care protocols, who executes them and at what point in post-stroke care they are utilised. Health professionals and stroke survivors expressed that unmet care needs were primarily a result of lack of education and awareness regarding post-stroke eye problems. Other gaps in care pathways related to the timing of vision assessment, provision of ongoing support, and the integration of eye-care specialists into the stroke team. CONCLUSION: Further research is needed into current Australian post-stroke vision care to accurately assess whether the needs of stroke survivors are being met. Available evidence indicates that in Australia, there is a requirement for well-defined protocols for vision screening, education, management, and referral of stroke survivors.Implications for RehabilitationPost-stroke vision care in Australia is unstandardised, which may cause inequities in vision care provision to Australian stroke survivors in different regions and/or care facilities.Education and training pertaining to stroke-related vision conditions for stroke healthcare professionals and the inclusion of eye-care professionals in stroke care teams is likely to improve gaps in care practice/pathways identified in the current evidence base.Management of stroke-related visual conditions should be inclusive of detailed information provision that is specific to the patients condition(s) and circumstances, as well as ongoing, long-term management strategies/support services to better aid stroke survivor"s reintegration into the community.
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