Extraction of Material Properties of A Thin Silicon Membrane Embedded in A Piezoelectric Stack

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
2023 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 2023, 00, pp. 1-4
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We propose the use of a thickness extensional TE mode in a piezoelectric on silicon resonator to accurately extract the elastic stiffness constant c11 of a degenerately doped 2 m thin silicon Si membrane with the piezoelectric stack in place The frequency of this mode is discriminately sensitive to the Si membrane thickness and c11 of Si alone over the other layers in the stack This presents a methodology to extract the properties of the elastic layer of a piezoelectrically transduced device with little influence from the other layers The vertical stack of the TE mode resonator here is composed of 15 scandium doped aluminum nitride ScAlN 0 3 m molybdenum 0 2 m and thin passivation piezoelectric 50nm on the doped Si membrane formed by silicon migration The methodology and test structure are validated by the close agreement of the extracted Young s modulus to literature values We use Si as a well studied material to validate the method demonstrating that the method could be extended to other materials
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