Climate camps and environmental movements. Impacting the coal industry and practicing ‘system change’

Taylor and Francis Group
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Globalizations, 2023, 20, (8), pp. 1380-1392
Issue Date:
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‘System change not climate change!’ has been one of the prominent slogans the climate movement used during its ever growing campaigning against coal mining and the causally linked climate change. This article traces climate camps as a form of protest for a social movement and investigates its concepts. In analysing its intertwinement with particular sites of pollution, the environmental and the left movement, it demonstrates that the movement’s broader aims of changing the system and reaching a better life for all might not always be reached, not even in the small scale of its own practices. Yet, as the juxtaposition of concurrent protest action and political, cultural and industrial development shows, climate camps in Germany, at least, have been making an impact, even if the impact is not unanimously called a success or recognized by all stakeholders.
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