Multi-View Subspace Clustering by Joint Measuring of Consistency and Diversity

Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2023, 35, (8), pp. 8270-8281
Issue Date:
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In multi-view subspace clustering, it is significant to find a common latent space in which the multi-view datasets are located. A number of multi-view subspace clustering methods have been proposed to explore the common latent subspace and achieved promising performance. However, previous multi-view subspace clustering algorithms seldom consider the multi-view consistency and multi-view diversity, let alone take them into consideration simultaneously. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-view subspace clustering by joint measuring the consistency and diversity, which is able to exploit these two complementary criteria seamlessly into a holistic design of clustering algorithms. The proposed model first searches a pure graph for each view by detecting the intrinsic consistent and diverse parts. A consensus graph is then obtained by fusing the multiple pure graphs. Moreover, the consensus graph is structurized to contain exactly c c connected components where c c is the number of clusters. In this way, the final clustering result can be obtained directly since each connected component precisely corresponds to an individual cluster. Extensive experimental studies on various datasets manifest that our model achieves comparable performance than the other state-of-the-art methods.
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