Blockchain Empowered Multi-Agent Systems: Advancing IoT Security and Transaction Efficiency

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023, PP, (99), pp. 1-1
Issue Date:
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The rapid growth and escalating complexity of the Internet of Things (IoT) necessitate meticulous attention to ensure efficient and secure transactions among various autonomous components. To address this critical issue, this study proposes the integration of multi-agent systems and blockchain technology within the IoT domain. Uniquely, our approach employs smart contracts to manage exchanges between autonomous entities, thereby offering enhanced security, transparency, and reliability. The study introduces a set of innovative algorithms that regulate agent activities, such as creating blocks, sharing information, and conducting rating processes. Additionally, it provides a detailed analysis of their privacy and security aspects. Compared to traditional multi-agent frameworks, empirical evidence demonstrates significant improvements in efficiency, adaptability, and scalability. This scholarly effort lays a robust foundation for further investigations into applying blockchain to enhance multi-agent systems, potentially paving the way for more sophisticated and context-specific strategies across various IoT fields.
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