Making DeepFakes More Spurious: Evading Deep Face Forgery Detection via Trace Removal Attack

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2023, 20, (6), pp. 5182-5196
Issue Date:
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DeepFakes are raising significant social concerns. Although various Despite various DeepFake detectors having been developed as countermeasures, their vulnerability under attacks remains further explorations. Recently, several attacks, such as adversarial attacks, have successfully fooled DeepFake detectors. However, existing attacks suffer from detector-specific designs, requiring detector-side knowledge, leading to poor transferability. Moreover, they only consider simplified security scenarios; but less is known about the attacking performance in complex scenarios where the capability of detectors or attackers varies. To fill the gap, we propose a novel, detector-agnostic trace removal attack. The attack removes all possible counterfeiting traces arising from the original DeepFake manufacture procedure to make DeepFakes essentially more "realistic"and thus able to defeat arbitrary or unknown detectors. Concretely, we first perform an in-depth DeepFake trace discovery, identifying three intrinsic traces: spatial anomalies, spectral disparities, and noise fingerprints. Then an adversarial learning-based trace removal network (TR-Net) involving one generator and multiple discriminators is proposed. Each discriminator is responsible for one individual trace representation to avoid inner-trace interference. All discriminators are optimized in parallel to enforce the generator to remove various traces simultaneously. We additionally craft heterogeneous security scenarios where the detectors are embedded with different levels of defense and the attackers own varying background data knowledge. The experimental results show that the proposed trace removal attack can significantly compromise the detection accuracy of six state-of-the-art DeepFake detectors while causing only a negligible degradation in visual quality.
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