A Location Privacy and Query Privacy Joint Protection Scheme for POI Query in Vehicular Networks

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
ICC 2023 - IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2023, 2023-May, pp. 2294-2299
Issue Date:
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In vehicular networks the Point of Interest POI query was widely used in Location Based Services LBS for vehicle applications However since the attackers can easily access the location query content and other information it is difficult to protect the LBS privacy of vehicle users only using location privacy protection or query privacy protection independently Therefore we propose a location privacy and query privacy joint protection scheme based on dummy sequences According to the limitations of the POI query we model the correlations between location privacy and query privacy into semantic correlation temporal correlation and spatial temporal attribute correlation characterized by the Euclidean distance and the association rule algorithm Moreover we formulate the dummy sequence selection as a constrained multi objective optimization problem to obtain the query sequence with a high level of anonymity and a big cloaking region Experimental results demonstrate that our scheme can resist joint attacks on location privacy and query privacy and protect users LBS privacy more efficiently compared to the existing schemes
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