Circularity in Facility Management: Conceptualisation and Potential Areas for Circularity-Oriented Actions

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Sustainability, 15, (11), pp. 8460
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Although literature discussing materials circularity in the built environment sector is well developed we have a limited understanding of circularity in facility services because most of the literature often generalises building operations ignoring circularity applications via service streams Thus owing to the service nature of facility management facility service providers remit and the building operation functions this paper makes a first order attempt to conceptualise circularity in the context of facility services and to identify areas corresponding to key facility functions and performance improvement criteria Facility service is an important service stream for building operations and it includes a range of functions ensuring better condition quality serviceability and durability of building assets Understanding the limited research undertaken to highlight circularity in facility services this paper uses a literature review and qualitative content analysis to categorise three scopes procurement building use and end of life and the corresponding circularity oriented action areas in facility service delivery As key findings subtle changes in the core facility function such as in products purchase approach delivery of ongoing maintenance and refurbishment of building assets and end of life management possess the potential to enable circularity Thus within the buildings operation realm a dedicated service stream such as the facility service can contribute to realising circularity for facility service providers commercial clients
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