MAHIS: An agent-oriented methodology for constructing dynamic platform-based HIS

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2005, 3809 LNAI pp. 705 - 714
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Hierarchical structure, reusable and dynamic components, and predictable interactions are distinct characteristics of hybrid intelligent systems (HIS). The existing agent-oriented methodologies are deficient in HIS construction because they did not take into account the characteristics of HIS. In this paper, we propose a Methodology for constructing Agent-based HIS (MAHIS). MAHIS consists of eight models: Hybrid Strategy Identification Model, Organization Model, Task Model, Agent Model, Expertise Model, Coordination Model, Reorganization Model, and Design Model. The Reorganization Model is the key model to support dynamic platform-based HIS. It consists of category role, group roles, virtual organization role, and dynamics rules. This model describes the characteristics of HIS with virtual organization, category, and group perspectives. Some previously developed agents can be reused by means of involving them in a new virtual organization dynamically. The output of the Reorganization Model is the specification of the dynamic platform which comprises middle agents and makes all agents and agent groups hierarchical and dynamic. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005.
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