Analytical contemplation: The role of Parliament and politics in education

Taylor & Francis
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Power, Politics, and the Playground: Perspectives on Power and Authority in Education, 2024, pp. 27-38
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As noted earlier, this book is intended to be more than a series of stories about our experiences in education. A book of storytelling might have been fun and enjoyable to compile but perhaps of limited value for the reader. Thus, we have structured the following chapters to first provide the recounts of incidents we have experienced - and then to follow up each recount with a chapter analysis written by Don on how power and authority are manifested in the recounts. Each chapter analysis is called an “analytical contemplation” and covers the important aspects of the recounts to shed light on aspects of power in education. Therefore, in this analytical contemplation, the following key points are discussed: Hard power and education - curriculum and funding as examples. Authority - situational and possessive authority as power resources to explain the accrual and application of power. Legitimacy - as derived from authority and sanctioned by the public. Trust and familiarity - building trust through familiarity as power resources.
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