Improved Deadbeat Predictive Current Control With Extended State Observer for Dual Three-Phase PMSMs

Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2024, 39, (6), pp. 6769-6782
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A deadbeat predictive current control (DPCC) method based on extended state observer (ESO) is proposed to improve the control performance of dual three-phase permanent magnet synchronous motors (DTP-PMSMs) under parameter mismatch. A variable gain coefficient related to the exponential function of tracking error is proposed to enhance the observer's convergence and robustness under complex conditions. Furthermore, the prediction delay problem of DPCC model under digital hardware is studied, and an improved prediction method is proposed to compensate for the delay time, reducing the response time and overshoot of the system under the DPCC algorithm. The proposed ESO is combined with the improved prediction model, and DPCC with two-sample delays is employed to reduce the prediction current error and enhance the control performance of the algorithm in practical applications. The stability of the system is demonstrated using the Hurwitz Criterion. Experimental results validate the superiority and feasibility of the proposed algorithm for the control and drive of DTP-PMSMs.
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