TTSR: Tensor-Train Subspace Representation Method for Visual Domain Adaptation

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2024, PP, (99), pp. 1-14
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Most existing methods for visual domain adaptation need to convert high-order tensors into one-order high-dimensional vectors through naive vectorization operations. However, they not only destroy the internal spatial structure within the original high-order tensors, but also result in exponentially increasing model parameters. To address these problems, we propose a novel method for visual domain adaptation by representing tensorial features in tensor-train subspace in this paper. Specifically, we firstly provide a theoretical deduction by constructing a tensor-train subspace and proving its linearity and left-orthogonality. Secondly, to extract common tensorial features between source and target domains, we formulate the visual domain adaptation problem into an optimization problem that models the aforementioned common tensor-train subspace between two domains, as well as their corresponding projections. Thirdly, we design a tensor-train subspace representation algorithm (TTSR) to solve the multiple variables optimization problem by optimizing its sub-problems iteratively, so as to process high-order tensorial features. Finally, we evaluate the performance of our proposed TTSR algorithm by conducting extensive experiments on three popular public datasets. The experimental results demonstrate that the TTSR algorithm can improve the classification accuracy of unlabeled target domain than that of baseline algorithms.
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