Dual-Band Shared-Aperture Dielectric Resonator Antenna (DRA) With Suppressed Cross-Band Interactions

Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2024, 72, (7), pp. 5694-5704
Issue Date:
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As wireless technologies continue to advance, the collocation of diverse antennas operating at different frequency bands has become a common practice in various deployed communication platforms. However, antenna co-location introduces significant challenges, primarily in the form of substantial mutual interference among the antennas. In this article, we explore the integration of two cylindrical dielectric resonator antennas (DRAs) operating at distinct frequency bands, specifically 3.5-3.9 GHz and 6.0-6.4 GHz, designed for uplink and downlink communication with satellites. These DRAs are nested concentrically, resulting in a dual-band shared-aperture DRA. However, the performance of this configuration is significantly compromised due to the interaction between the two DRAs. To mitigate these interferences, two novel approaches are developed to suppress cross-band scattering and coupling, respectively. As a consequence, radiation patterns are restored and port isolations are improved. Subsequently, a prototype of the dual-band shared-aperture DRA was designed, fabricated, and tested. The measured results validate the effectiveness of these innovative interference mitigation techniques. The developed dual-band shared-aperture DRA represents a promising solution for installation on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to facilitate satellite communication.
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