EMTD-SSC: An Enhanced Malicious Traffic Detection Model Using Transfer Learning Under Small Sample Conditions In IoT

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024, PP, (99), pp. 1-1
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In the Internet of Things (IoT) scenario, device diversity and data sparsity present a significant challenge for malicious traffic detection, notably the ‘small sample problem’ where insufficient data hampers the performance of deep learning methods that depend on large volumes of labeled data for training. Transfer learning has the capability to transfer knowledge from a label-rich but heterogeneous domain to a label-sparse domain, making it a powerful tool for addressing challenges in IoT malicious traffic detection. To address these challenges, we introduce the EMTD-SSC model, a novel Enhanced Malicious Traffic Detection model that leverages transfer learning under Small Sample Conditions in IoT environments. Initially, our approach includes a comprehensive labeled dataset that merges a small-scale IoT intrusion detection domain with the traditional intrusion detection domain to enrich semantic information transfer from source to target domains. The EMTD-SSC model employs dual residual convolutional autoencoders for robust feature extraction and transfer, incorporating skip connections to expedite model convergence and minimize information loss. Furthermore, to optimize transfer efficiency, we minimize the Multi Layer Multi Kernel Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MLMK-MMD) across corresponding network layers, facilitating effective domain adaptation. Through unsupervised training and subsequent fine-tuning on target domain data, the model significantly enhances anomaly detection capabilities. Extensive experiments on two well-known public datasets demonstrate that the EMTD-SSC model’s effectiveness, achieving an impressive 94.8% accuracy in binary classification tasks.
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