Thermochemical conversion of microalgae into biofuels

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Waste Valorization for Bioenergy and Bioproducts: Biofuels, Biogas, and Value-Added Products, 2024, pp. 315-333
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This chapter provides an overview of the thermochemical conversion techniques for transforming microalgae into biofuels. Microalgae are a promising source of renewable biomass for biofuel production due to their high lipid and carbohydrate content, fast growth rate, and ability to grow in diverse environmental conditions. However, the extraction and conversion of microalgae biomass into biofuels present significant technical and economic challenges. Thermochemical conversion techniques, such as pyrolysis, gasification, combustion, and liquefaction, offer a potential solution to overcome these challenges by converting microalgae biomass into liquid, gaseous, or solid biofuels. This paper discusses the principles and advantages of each thermochemical conversion technique, the factors that affect the conversion efficiency, and the current research progress and challenges in this field. The insights provided in this paper will assist researchers and stakeholders in developing sustainable and economically viable biofuel production processes from microalgae biomass.
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