A hydraulic-mechanical (HM) coupling constitutive model for unsaturated soil-continuum interfaces considering bonding effect

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Computers and Geotechnics, 2024, 166
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Unsaturated soil-continuum interfaces determine the behavior of structures such as friction piles embedded in unsaturated soil and retaining walls with unsaturated backfill. Developing accurate constitutive models for these interfaces is essential for innovative computational design and analysis in geotechnical engineering. This study presents a rigorous mathematical derivation to quantify the bonding effect at interparticle and pore space contact zones, introducing a bonding variable and a state parameter based on the ratio between current and critical void ratios. The novelty lies in introduction of a hydraulic-mechanical (HM) coupling constitutive model for unsaturated soil-continuum interfaces, incorporating the bonding effect and critical-state concept. Despite the 16 parameters in proposed model, all are methodically calibrated using suction-controlled interface shear tests. Effectiveness of the model is demonstrated through predictions in interface shear tests involving unsaturated Toyoura sand, smooth/rough steel, and published tests with unsaturated Minco silt and steel. The model's applicability is extended to diverse conditions, including structural stiffness, interface thickness, counterface roughness, and drying- wetting (D-W) cycles. This model provides a unified framework for analyzing volume changes and stress-displacement responses in unsaturated soil-continuum interfaces, providing valuable insights for design of pile foundations in unsaturated soils.
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