Consumer Sentiment Analysis and Product Improvement Strategy Based on Improved GCN Model

IGI Global
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 2024, 36, (1), pp. 1-37
Issue Date:
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In recent years, the amount of online shopping review data has increased dramatically. Obtaining information that helps business decision-making from such complex and massive reviews has become a difficult and important task for merchants. This paper uses sentiment analysis technology to innovatively introduce the attention mechanism on the LSTM infrastructure of the baseline model, and proposes a word vector structure and a BiGRU structure to build an online user sentiment analysis system based on deep learning. The system includes a user review sentiment classification and sentiment analysis model based on the improved GCN model. The experimental results also show the superiority of our method, which brings 4.73%, 7.84% and 5.72% F1-score improvements to the algorithm respectively. It proves that the two algorithms proposed in this paper can effectively achieve their goals and achieve high performance.

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