ASOP: An agile service-oriented process

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
SoMeT_07 - The 6th International Conference on Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques, 2007
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The increasing prevalence of service-oriented architecture (SOA) has introduced another layer of abstraction (service-oriented) on top of already well-known object-oriented and component-oriented layers of abstractions. However, it has been found that the current traditional phase-based approach towards the development of SOA-based applications, contrarily, lacks agility, which mitigates against the needed ability to quickly respond to changes in business processes. Therefore, here, we suggest an agile approach to implement a flexible SOA. This paper, based on our industrial experience and case studies, presents the agile service-oriented process (ASOP) that had been constructed by using the agile software solution framework (ASSF), agile toolkit (ATK), situational method engineering (SME) and agile adoption and improvement model (AAIM) for the development of one of our industry (case study) service-oriented e-health project.
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