Comparison of durability measures of concrete as a function of cure times

Engineers Media Pty Ltd.
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Concrete in Australia, 2011, 36 (4), pp. 42 - 47
Issue Date:
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This work forms part of a project for evaluating techniques of estimating concrete durability to improve service life. Here compressive strength, chloride diffusivity, void volume, and sorptivity from water cured concretes were measured at seven, 28 and 56 days to evaluate the concrete durability as a function of curing. It was concluded that while void volume and sorptivity were useful as quality control measures they did not reflect the increase in durability found when concrete was cured. This was in contrast to the chloride diffusivity and compressive strength results which showed marked differences during the curing of the concrete. For this study four concrete mixes were prepared using identical compositions of water, sand, and aggregates and having the same amount of cementitious materials with four different compositions: (1) Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) (2) OPC with 20% replacement of a commercial fly ash (3) OPC with 40% replacement of the same fly ash, and (4) OPC with 20% replacement by pitchstone fines. Pitchstone fines are a waste product made during the production of expandable perlite aggregate which previous work has shown to act as a supplementary cementitious material.
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