Emergent Semantics Systems

Springer Verlag
Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Semantics of a Networked World: Semantics for Grid Databases, First International IFIP Conference, ICSNW 2004, Paris, France, June 17-19, 2004, Revised Selected Papers, 2004, pp. 14 - 34
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With new standards like RDF or OWL paving the way for the much anticipated Semantic Web, a new breed of very large scale semantic systems is about to appear. Traditional semantic reconciliation techniques, dependent upon shared vocabularies or global ontologies, cannot be used in such open and dynamic environments. Instead, new heuristics based on emerging properties and local consensuses have to be exploited in order to foster semantic interoperability in the large. In this paper, we outline the main di.erences between traditional semantic reconciliation methods and these new heuristics. Also, we characterize the resulting emergent semantics systems and provide a couple of hints vis-`a-vis their potential applications.
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