Reflections on Participation at Home, As Self-Reported by Young People with Cerebral Palsy.

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Dev Neurorehabil, 2024, 27, (3-4), pp. 69-82
Issue Date:
Full metadata record
This study explored the home-based participation of young people with cerebral palsy (CP) and described factors that make participation easier or harder. Fifteen young people with CP aged 15 to 26 years provided written reflections, photographs, or videos about their home-based participation experiences. Data were analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis. Self-reported reflections were grouped inductively into 129 codes, then 20 subthemes and 5 themes which emphasized CP characteristics, thoughts, emotions, equipment, environment, supports, and inclusion as important factors influencing home-based participation. Young people with CP largely described the home environment as an inclusive place to participate.
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