Embedding education for sustainable development in curriculum: Chalks walking the talk?

Publication Type:
Journal Article
The Social Educator, 2011, 29 (1), pp. 26 - 35
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The imperative for education sustainable development (ESD) is surely stronger than at any point in the intertwined history of humans and the planet (Fien, 2004; Reynolds, 2009; UNESCO, 2004), given rising populations and an increasing impact of each individual on the environment. This paper, largely conceptual in nature, attempts to set out a framework of effective characteristics for ESD, with some illustrative examples. The paper is informed by a research report contributed to by the author (Steele, 2010) on mainstreaming education for Sustainable Development into a Bachelor of Education (Primary) curriculum (Littledyke, Taylor & Eames, 2009), incorporating knowledge, values and skills (Summers, Childs & Corney, 2005), in the hope and expectation that this will assist our students in doing likewise in their P-6 teaching. This paper derives principally from staff focus groups on inclusion of ESD, and, to a lesser extent, student responses on the potential of campus-based sustainability projects.
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