The day Londres 38 opened its doors: a milestone in chilean reconciliation

Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Unive rsitas Hum anistica, 2011, 2011 (71), pp. 193 - 212
Issue Date:
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Occasionally a week, an afternoon, a single moment may crystallise a traumatic event which has carried explosive potential for decades. At such still points shifting polarities may stabilise, if briefly. Old foes may unite, old friendships fracture. By the end of such a day, though, it will be apparent that something momentous has occurred from which there can be no retreat. This paper considers such an event, which should remain here occurred in Santiago de Chile, on December 10, 2007. That day, the infamous torture and extermination centre known as Londres 38 was for the first time opened to the public. But by the end of that day, much more had been exposed than the echoing and empty rooms.
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