Open modeling for designing community ecosystems

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
PACIS 2011 - 15th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: Quality Research in Pacific, 2011
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The paper proposes an open approach to modeling to cater for the emerging trend to complex adaptive systems. Such systems are seen as collections of people, programs, computers and other physical objects that must coexist and work towards a vision in a continually changing environment. The information system here is perceived as a network of physical, knowledge and other kinds of entities connected into a network that emerges as the environment evolves. The paper describes a community oriented approach to model such systems where each community is seen as a collection of such entities. The communities themselves are connected to create a system of systems or a community ecosystem where the communities collaborate to realize a continually emerging vision. The paper describes an open modeling approach for such ecosystems to provide designers a systematic way to design community coordination. It first uses living systems and complexity as metaphors to design community structures that ensure collaboration persists over a long time. The modeling methods provide a flexible approach to show networks of community collaborating within their context. An open approach is to provide users with a flexible method to create community networks using semantics natural to the user and emphasizing perspectives to visualize the complex relationships within such systems.
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