Experimental study on effect of magnetic fields on heat transfer performance of nanofluid heat pipe

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
2011 International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks, CECNet 2011 - Proceedings, 2011, pp. 1268 - 1271
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Solar water heater are manufactured throughout the world and considered an appropriate technology at present for it is a simple, economic and environmental friendly technology. The heat transfer coefficient of the heat pipe plays an interval role on the efficient of making use of solar energy. This experimental research focuses on the heat transfer performance of heat pipes by introduce the magnetic fields and Nanofluid. The experimental results show that: without magnetic field, the heat transfer rate of the heat pipe with magnetic fluid is 13.9% higher than that of traditional heat pipe; under DC magnetic field, the heat transfer rate of magnetic fluid heat pipe is improved an average of 10.6%, and that of water heat pipe is improve 6% The outcomes have proved that the heat transfer performance can be enhanced by the magnetic field and magnetic fluid. The improvement of efficiency of solar energy usage would contribute to decreasing the environment limit on application of the solar heater in a wide range. © 2011 IEEE.
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