Eyes Wide Shut: Expanding the view of portfolio management

Australian Institute of Project Management (AIPM)
Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
IPMA World Congress Proceedings 2011, 2011, pp. 1 - 13
Issue Date:
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This conceptual paper examines our existing world-view portfolio is defined the management of that portfolios from that of project and new product development portfolios to other portfolios that exist in an organisation, such as the asset portfolio, resource portfolio and ideas portfolio. Portfolios do not exist in isolation in an organisational context, but instead overlap and interact. This paper argues that there is a need to move another step higher, and examine the relationships between portfolios of projects and related activities across an organisation in order to optimise outcomes across the organisation. We propose the need for `enterprise portfolio management and suggest that this approach has the potential to improve organisational efficiency, and in the longer term could be a source of competitive advantage.
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