Social networking and Olympic resources: using Flickr at the University of Technology, Sydney Library.

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n 2010 UTS Library celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Sydney 2000 Olympic and Paralympic Games with an exhibition of Sydney Olympic memorabilia. We used the social networking site Flickr to exhibit Library items and also invited our community to upload their own photographs to our Flickr group. The aim is to develop a community sourced, open-access collection that supports research and teaching in the area of mega-events at UTS. New pathways for collaboration with academics and the wider community are developing. The project encourages user created content and exchange of information in an informal social scholarship setting, This innovation using local folksonomy regarding the Sydney 2000 Olympics creates an ongoing legacy of the Sydney 2000 Games. Issues relating to sustainability, re-use, marketing and promotion of the Sydney 2000 Games can be discussed and shared in the wider community. UTS Library’s use of social networking provides our academic community with greater resources for teaching and learning in events management.
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