Aboriginality and Journalism: From the Classroom to the Newsroom

UTS Cosmopolitan Civil Societies Research Centre
Publication Type:
Recording, Oral
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The proposal investigates the 3 R’s: the reflection, recruitment & retention of Aboriginal people in Canadian media journalism. How are Aboriginal people represented in Canadian journalism? How are Aboriginal journalists recruited & retained at journalism schools & in journalism institutions? And, what can be done to improve the reflection of Aboriginal journalism & improve the experience of students & Aboriginal journalists in Canadian journalism as they are encouraged to develop careers in this area. This particular proposal involves a partnership with the Strategic Alliance of Broadcasters for Aboriginal Reflection (SABAR). SABAR is a group of mainstream broadcasters dedicated to working together with Aboriginal media organizations to increase the contribution & participation of Aboriginal people on-air & behind the scenes in all aspects of the Canadian broadcasting industry. You will find a list of members on SABAR's website: www.sabar.ca.
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