Review of water restrictions

Institute for Sustainable Futures
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The NWI Parties Review of Water Restrictions delivers on the jurisdictions' commitments under the National Water Initiative (NWI) to review water restrictions. The NWI required the parties to review: * the effectiveness of temporary water restrictions * associated public education strategies * the scope for extending low level restrictions as standard practice. This two-volume report was designed to enhance government and stakeholder understanding of the nature and effectiveness of water restriction policies across Australia. It was produced for the Commission on behalf of the NWI parties by the Institute for Sustainable Futures and ACIL Tasman. The research in the report was completed during December 2006 to August 2007. Changes since August 2007 including drought, restrictions policies and urban water systems and planning are not reflected in the report. The report reviews permanent water restrictions, reviews and analyses temporary water restrictions, examines the direct costs and benefits of temporary water restrictions, and sets out restrictions case studies.
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