Off-stage: the interior of performance

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Interior: A state of becoming, Book 1: Symposium Proceedings, 2012, pp. n.p. - ?
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If we are to agree that exterior environments program interior space or alternatively, interior space is a condition of the exterior environment then performance is the exterior condition that writes itself into the interior. Exploring the theme Interior as Performance and responding to 'What is adaptive re-use' the paper will position the interior and the concept of becoming in site-specific performance - appearance and perception, inhabtancy and temporality - as something inherently performative. This argument will not be based on space rather it will be about positioning and situation. 'Positioning', it will be argued, is the resistance to fixity and permanence; conjuring an interior in a constant state of flux. The situation - the becoming of the interior - will be argued as the spatial exchange between spectator and performer through site and place.
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