Formulating BIM Based Educational Design in Construction Project Management Degree Programs

Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST)
Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Proceedings of 2012 Australasian Conference on Innovative Technologies in Construction, 2012, pp. 169 - 176
Issue Date:
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Building Information Modelling (BIM) represents a new area of teaching in construction project management degree programs. The intelligent 3D modelling capability of BIM allows users to visually drill down to different levels of detail; objects therein can be linked to cost, work flow, facilities management and other project specific management data. Now more than ever before there is the potential to teach construction project management subjects in a more visual way that can improve student learning experiences. This paper describes and explains the implementation of such an approach made possible by the My Virtual Built Environment (MyVBE) project at the University of Technology Sydney. It takes a program-wide approach to implementing BIM as the central spine for linking subject based case study content and related problem solving activities. An action research framework is used to capture and analyse the progression of the project. This begins with the theoretical basis for using MyVBE as a tool for teaching and learning, and the intention of drawing together built environment students under a more common and collaborative theme of study. The curriculum design allows individual subjects to access and make relevant use of BIM as non-prescriptive teaching infrastructure. This is aided by the introduction of a four layered usage of BIM in educational settings including illustrative, instructive, immersive and integrative layers. A web portal is used as the central means for enlisting staff and student access to BIM based resources. This provides the ability to map usage of BIM in individual subjects and to maximize synergy between subjects. The findings also delve in the type of teaching spaces needed to improve collaborative learning under the use of BIM. Finally, lessons learned from the MyVBE development process are identified including the need for technical support staff to assist uptake.
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