A Rough Climate for Migration

Red Quill Books
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research, 2012, 23 (Uniting Struggles), pp. 59 - 84
Issue Date:
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In 2010, writer and director Michael Nash released a film detailing the impact of climate change and environmental degradation in terms of mass migration. Nashs film, titled Climate Refugees has since gone around the world, gaining official selection into countless film festivals. According to information contained on the official website http://www.climaterefugees. com, the film has made its way across much of the United States, presumably in an effort to educate Americans about the global nature of climate change as well as possible impacts at a domestic level with regard to displacement and migration. A call for political action, the film places emphasis on the negative implications of neglecting climate issues, casting this in terms of threats to national security. Given its dominant market (so far), its cover imagery of the U.S. and South America across a face, and its inclusion of prominent American academics, scientists and politicians, such as Al Gore, Paul Ehlrich and Lester Brown, it is not unreasonable to assume that U.S. national security is an important theme of the film.
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