A particle swarm optimization-based neural network for detecting nocturnal hypoglycemia using electroencephalography signals

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Conference Proceeding
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2012
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For patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM), hypoglycemia or the state of low blood glucose level is a very common but dangerous complication. Hypoglycemia episodes can lead to a large number of serious symptoms and effects, including unconsciousness, coma and even death. The variety of hypoglycemia symptoms is originated from the inadequate supply of glucose to the brain. By analyzing electroencephalography (EEG) signals from five T1DM patients during an overnight study, we find that under hypoglycemia, both centroid theta frequency and centroid alpha frequency change significantly against non-hypoglycemia conditions. Furthermore, a neural network is developed to detect hypoglycemia using the mentioned two EEG features. A standard particle swarm optimization strategy is applied to optimize the parameters of this neural network. By using the proposed method, we obtain the classification performance of 82% sensitivity and 63% specificity. The results demonstrate that hypoglycemia episodes can be detected non-invasively and effectively from EEG signals. © 2012 IEEE.
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