Breast cancer localization in three dimensions using time reversal DORT method

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), 2012, pp. 471 - 474
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Breast cancer is a common type of cancer among women all over the world. Successful treatment and prevention of death greatly depends on early detection. Mammography is so far the gold standard for screening breast cancer. But mammogram has high false positive rates for early stage detection and especially not highly reliable for younger women since their breasts are composed of dense breast tissues. Despite continued efforts and some progress, efficient early stage breast cancer detection is still an unsolved challenge. Radar based microwave imaging can be a promising alternative to mammography as it is a non-ionising as well as a non-invasive technique. In the microwave frequency range of interest the attenuation due to breast tissue is low enough to obtain image of the entire breast. All these facts have motivated the researchers to develop microwave imaging techniques for the early detection of breast cancer [1-3]. © 2012 IEICE.
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