Location-Based Utilization for Unidirectional Links in MANETs

XPS (Xpert Publishing Services) / IARIA
Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications, 2012, pp. 248 - 253
Issue Date:
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AbstractHeterogeneous Mobile Ad hoc Network(HMANET) comprises different nodes with different capabilities. Hence, transmission and receiving capabilities aredifferent. This causes unidirectionality problem. Avoidances is the most used strategy in researches to route data, e.g., Blacklist. In this paper, we proposed a strategy for on-demand routing protocols to detect unidirectional link and resolve it in timely fashion. This strategy is based on utilizing locations of nodes to filter and cache incoming RREQ packets to find reliable path to destination in the existence of unidirectional links. Simulation results show that our strategy outperforms Blacklist strategy in homogeneous and heterogeneous MANET.
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