The death of social media in start-up companies and the rise of s-commerce: Convergence of e-commerce, complexity and social media

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations, 2012, 10 (2), pp. 1 - 15
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Startup employees led by the entrepreneur are masters of embracing complexity. This means the startup team understands cause and effect follow a non-linear relationship with the subtlest of changes potentially resultant in producing chaotic behavior and surprise. For the startup, this means counterintuitive thinking wins the day. In light of this, small expenditures can have a greater impact on developing new business. The startup employee prefers not to be constrained by desktop or the old broadcast model of email; instead exploiting social technologies anywhere. A startup is a learning organization improving processes and results on an ongoing basis mirroring entrepreneurship as a learning process. Startup employees realize success goes beyond consideration of product functionality or a track record built on an existing base of customers. With major technology disruptions during 2012-2014, the potential to launch a "startup-in-a-box" integrating social, mobile, and wearable computing technology is a reality and essential. Only through a combination of social technologies can startups and founding employees maintain pace with the changing business landscape and generate a rapid amount of knowledge to sustain sufficient advantage in the market. Furthermore, the forthcoming death of social media and rise of S-commerce as convergence with E-commerce progresses to help generate revenues from newfound knowledge perfectly complements startup employees. Copyright © 2012, IGI Global.
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