A novel acid resistant green mortar for high corrosive environments

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
From Materials to Structures: Advancement Through Innovation - Proceedings of the 22nd Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, ACMSM 2012, 2013, pp. 1005 - 1008
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A new type of repair mortar (Aegis G) based on sustainable technology and industrial cementitious by-products with less than 10% OPC is developed. The new product consists of specified additives, accelerators and reinforcing agents, specially developed for this technology. The new acid resistant mortar showed high rate of hardening under normal conditions: >20MPa in 7 days, >40MPa in 28 days and >47MPa in 56 days for all batches tested during the last two years. Besides high tensile and flexural strength and modulus of rupture, the new product has excellent long term resistance to corrosive environments with very low permeability and minimal changes in the mechanical properties. The tested samples prepared from the product did not show any changes in their dimensions while 60MPa OPC cubes eroded and/or vanished completely when immersed in 5-20% sulphuric acid for 5-12 weeks .The new product has low shrinkage with outstanding adhesion properties to most construction surfaces. The failure occurred within the substrate concrete and not at the interface. The Aegis G is designed to provide long term resistance to most corrosive environments. The product is a versatile material that can be hand/trowel applied as well as spray applied and can be used for long term protection in a number of different aggressive environments which include: (1) re-lining of sewer trunk lines and manholes, (2) use as acid resistant grout for back fill of lining systems, (3) as acid resistant grout for use with impressed current cathodic protection, (4) lining channels of drinking water which require ion leaching resistant cement. © 2013 Taylor & Francis Group.
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