Formal architecture transformation using heuristics

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Proceedings of the International Symposium and Workshop on Engineering of Computer Based Systems, 2007, pp. 15 - 24
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Heuristics have long been a popular and effective mechanism for capturing the knowledge of experts. In recent times, however, the more common use of heuristics has been as a means for communicating ideas at an abstract level, with little consideration to their potential as a structured approach to design improvement. With this paper we present the issues surrounding, and a structured method for, formally capturing architectural change embodied within heuristics. We demonstrate how through the application of graph theory, category theory and predicate calculus we can capture change within a heuristic and then use it to achieve formal heuristic-based transformation of a real-world system. By capturing heuristics in the structured and formal manner discussed in this paper we present ourselves with the opportunity to create a practical and reliable heuristic-based architecture transformation system. This is done within the wider context of achieving a process for optimising the non-functional qualities of a system architecture through design transformation. © 2007 IEEE.
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