Agency, Redirected

The Association of Architecture Schools of Australia
Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of The Association of Architecture Schools of Australasia, 2013, pp. 406 - 425
Issue Date:
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In response to changes in both the practice of architecture and changes in terms of architectures field of operation: the global economic, political and cultural context of its production, the following paper proposes to re-examine the inherited unit system of the graduate educational M.Arch design studio. Contrary to `alternate modes of practice' that propose in critiquing the profession, an abandonment of the discipline of architecture, this paper instead calls for a clarified return in the educational context to architecture's core material and spatial skill set redirected relative to the animating diagrammatic condition that since the 19th century has relied on architectures capacities in material and organizational experimentation to build cities.
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