XML Schema-based discovery and invocation of mobile services

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on e-Technology, e-Commerce and e-Service (EEE'04), 2004, pp. 253 - 258
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A current problem that exists for mobile devices isthe discovery, display and use of local or globalservices as they are found on-the-fly by a roamingmobile device. Currently service registries arecentralized and typically use global ontologies. Inaddition given the multiple mobile device types,creating and maintaining multiple user interfaces fordiffering device types can be costly for providers. Thispaper proposes a common and novel solution to theseproblems that makes use of XML Schema to auto-generateclient-side display interfaces to both servicesand to ontologies of services. This approach has theadvantages that it does not assume or require a globalontology or registry of services, it provides a generalarchitecture enabling automatic creation of serviceinterfaces for roaming mobile devices and it provides amechanism for local service discovery.
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