Genius and environment in the second florentine futurism: Sam Dunn died of brown run

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Italianist, 2013, 33 (1), pp. 120 - 137
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This study explores the relationship between genius and environment in the 'secondo futurismo fiorentino'. It draws on the theoretical writings of the movement, which identify genius as a faculty to perceive the relentless dynamism of reality, and focuses on the analysis of Bruno Corra's Sam Dunn è morto (1914). The investigation of practices allowing articulation of Sam Dunn's genius brings into play schools of thought which, around the turn of the century, aimed at developing the hidden powers of the mind. In Corra's work, inner and cosmic energy engage in interplay leading to discovery. To this end, occultism provides alternative routes to 'cerebralismo', with unforeseen results. © Italian Studies at the Universities of Cambridge, Leeds and Reading 2013.
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