Thinking and Exploring Use Situations

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Consilience and Innovation in Design, Proceedings and Program vol. 2, 2013, pp. 745 - 756
Issue Date:
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Within design teams, knowledge of the variety of situations in which products are used remains often unshared. Furthermore these 'dynamic and diverse use situations' are not always applied consistently to contextualize use evaluations. This paper describes the development of guidelines to deal with these issues in the design process. The initial guidleines were aimed at generating and applying an evolving explicit frame of reference of product use that could be used to set up use evaluations, to share knowledge of product use and to inspire solution generation. an application of the guidelines to a carrier bike by four student teams showed the added value of using the frame of reference in setting up use evaluations, the value of explorative activities to create explicit frame of reference, and unexpected benefits of the additionally created mindset.
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