New Clothes, New Faces, New Bodies: Cosmetic Surgery and Fashion

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Fashion Cultures Revisited, 2013, 2, pp. 287 - 295
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N .T HE .l'A ST DE'C.A'D"E t1le· way I'IIh w 'ICl 1 we t 1li n k about cosmetic surgery . ?as undel gone, a dramatic change, What cosmetic surgery consists of, \'Vho has I:, I~S .costs and Its aesthetic effects are markedly different than ten years ago. Fem~m:<;t. rese~rchers" in diverse discil~!ines from film theory to anthropology, have led ,t,he. way III ~hO\vl~1g, cosmet~c surgery is rnorc than surgical technology, mOl e than mc~hcal chs.·clplmc, an,d far more than something based in vanity or nar.c is~ sism. ., . W. hile n:ost h~c 1 1 I " 0 ar y 'emll1lsts agree that cosmetic surgery reflects and pel petuates I epre,ss~ve VIC:VS of the normative female body as well as creating its o\o~n 1~(~W norms, .It IS a/.<:i(~ feminist scholarship that has shown how cosmetic surgery has deep symbolIc meanings and rich cultural cOllnotations (for an overview sec Heyes .. ~nd Jone~ 2009). Like fashion, cosmetic surgery is often dismissed as a superfiCIal practIce unworth), of scholar!)' attention but 11'/(0 t'as11, 't" . . , <. lon, I I,s an Important component of- ,social, cultural and even moral life,
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